More than a 'testimonial'...
My heart and soul are poured into every word I speak, every relationship I make, and every mindset shift I reveal. It is my absolutely joy and I exude gratitude for all the lives I am able to touch and interact with!
“Your training/seminar was unlike any training I’ve ever experienced, thank you! You amazed me, inspired me, encouraged me, and changed how I look at myself and my business!”
“I recently heard Jenni Byrd Grier speak at a Leadership Academy and I had a light bulb go off. I thought, I don’t need a personal coach once I hit this top level, I need one now to help me get to that level! So I hired her as my coach and started the Next Level Achievement Coaching. And wow has it been amazing! For someone who thought I knew what I was doing managing my schedule, oh did I have things to learn. I can’t even begin to teach you my knowledge from Jenni but I do have a new found passion for scheduling. ”
“I have been working with Jenni Byrd Grier for the past year and a half and it is one of my favorite hours of my entire month! This family has changed my life! The David Byrd planner and these coaching sessions have taught me how to live my life with intentionality, how to set goals and make them actually happen, to plan my tomorrow before my tomorrow, my month before my month, a vision statement, thoughts are things, to speak the life I want into existence, and so much more! ”
“You have personally impacted my life more than you’ll ever know and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your time, energy, and having faith in me.”
“You have literally helped me to change my life. Every conversation with you makes me feel inspired and encouraged. I could listen to you talk for hours - I soak it all in. You are just such an amazing person and I will be forever thankful for you!”
“SO I CHANGED MY ENERGY! And I’m sure you’re not surprised that things happened, incredible really. Today, I woke up and spent 5 mins in quiet time and visualized my day. I’m so thankful for your wisdom, and honesty in sharing your life with me, it truly helped so much and I can really say I AM SO EXCITED for what’s to come!”
“This trip was my own Eat. Pray. Love! 💕 Eat: We ate some of the best REAL food of my life. PRAY: We meditated, set personal goals, and really asked questions about how to become our best selves. What is it we want out of and into our lives. When was the last time you asked yourself what makes you happy? LOVE: amazing friendships built over this experience!!! As well as the Love and acceptance of who we are to ourselves. All of this was woven together through vineyards and unbelievable experiences you’d only get through this trip with behind the scene tours. I truly can’t recommend this trip of a lifetime enough!”
“I am excited for today and will never get enough of your light that shines so bright! You have brought sanity to the craziness of family life and persuing our dreams and goals and mothers, wives, our careers and our business! You are changing homes and I just want to thank you for using your gifts to better the lives of others. ”
“You are always helpful, always inspiring, and always appreciated.
“I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the difference you have already made in my life. I was at your workshop last weekend and I had two huge breakthroughs! First of all, the visualization exercise you did helped me unlock something from my past that has been holding me back for years! I never understood why I lacked confidence and felt unworthy until that day. I shed so many tears that day and the following day realizing that I had unlocked something that has held me back for nearly 30 years. The feeling of freedom from this has been something I have needed for quite some time. I am working through it everyday and everyday is better than the last. 😊
Second, hearing you talking about your daughter and her meltdowns was like you had an inside glimpse to my life. I have been changing my mindset during these times with my 7 year old daughter and all I can say is Praise The Lord!!!! My husband and I have witnessed miracles! I am tearing up now as I type this. This past week has been mind blowing. Jenni, thank you for sharing. Thank you for impacting my life in ways you may never know. What a God send you have been!